
2017-08-10 18:05:10 jazdbmin1639整理 子女应该赡养父母 子女应该赡养父母


Q1: 当做子女的成年后对父母只有索取没有回报父母会怎么想


Q2: 当做子女的成年后对父母只有索取没有回报父母会怎么想呢


Q3: 英语短文,孩子应不应该向父母索取回报

I believe that children shoud not ask for rewards for the things they do. The parents' jobs are to make sure that the child grows up to be a man helpful to the society, and tough training is needed for the child to grow. If the child asks for reciprocation for every thing they do, this defeats the purpose of doing the work in the first place. Instead, the child will have the habit of thinking that for anything that you do, someone will pay you back. The society is not the most perfect place, and false expectations can lead to dreary consequences. Based on these arugments, I strongly believe that children should not ask for rewards from the parents.可能和你的文笔不太一样,建议改改。



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